Hidhaaf Hiraarsaan Uummata Oromoorratti Oromummaasaa Qofaaf Itti Fufe


[SQ, amajji 22,2018] Tibba darbee qabee hanga ammaatti Wayyaanen Kan hiine gadhiifna jettee odeessaa kan biraa hidhatti guuraa jirti. Ofiin Bulli Wayyaanee uummata cunqurfamoo lafarraa daguuguu hojii akaakayyuuwwansheerraa dhaalte gadhiisuun kan itti cime ilmaan Oromoo hiraarsuu ittuu fuulleffattee hojjetaa jirti.
Haaluma kanaan guyyaa Har’aa Wiixata baha Oromiyaa Magaalaa Gadab Hasaasaa keessaa Dargaggoonni Shan(5) achi buuteensaanii dhabamuu odeessi arganne ifa godha. Namoonni Wayyaaneen qabaman kunneen

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Ethiopia: Chronic, Political, Economical and Social Crises in Ethiopia Need A Genuine Solution


HRLHA  Urgent Action

January 21, 2018

The promise of the Ethiopian Authorities started to become practical on January 17, 2018  when they  released 115 federal inmates, including Dr. Marara Gudina, the OFC leader. The release of a few political prisoners could be a good start, if the regime  continues to release all political prisoners, including those forcefully disappeared under the current regime. A few political prisoners being released, however, is synonymous to picking a few individual grains out of a ton of grains.

Haile Mariam Dessalegn, the PM of Ethiopia, opened a Pandora’s Box of the EPRDF over the past twenty-five years and committed crimes against citizens under the façade of democracy. Government officials have denied repeatedly for many years that they have been holding political prisoners and having torture chambers such as Maikelawi in which the political prisoners have been tortured in the past two and half decades under the EPRDF government. Continue reading

Kitaabni Mataduree” Shira” Jedhu Barreessaa Yaazoo Kabadaa Hordofaan Qophaawi Eebbifame.


No automatic alt text available.Kun eebba kitaaba “Shira” barreessaa beekamaa Yaasoo Kabbabaa Hordofaa’tiin barreeffame biyya masrii magaalaa Cairo keessatti hawaasa oromootiin taasifamaa jiruudha.
Akkuma beekamu yaasoon ammaan duras kitaabota akka siifan,dibaa,miila hin shoksine jedhamanii fi barreeffamoota adda addaa nama barreessaa turee fi hogganaa Qeerroo Bilisummaa Oromoo duraaniiti.
Obbo Yaasoon guyyaa eebba kitaaba isaa kana sababeeffachuudhaan hawaasa Oromoo kibba bahaa (Baaalee) kan shira wayyaaneetiin daangaa irraa liyyu hayliin buqqaafamee yeroo ammaan tanaa beela hamtuuf saaxilameef gumaacha maallaqa biyya masrii ( jinee)1000 (kuma tokko) kan arjoomu ta’uu ibseera. Continue reading