Qeerroon yuunivarsiitii Hawaasaa hanga bilisummaa gonfanutti gahee nurraa eegamu haa baanu jechuun waamicha dabarsan!


Muddee 31,2012
DIDDAA 2Barattootni Oromoo mana hidhaa mootummaa wayyaaneetti ukkaamsaman hidhaatii hanga hiikaman qabsoo daran jabeessinee itti fufna jechuun Qeerroon yuunivariisii Hawaasaa qophii ayyaana haaraaf taasifamu irratti mariiatan.Barattootni Oromoo yuunivarsiitii fi koollejiidhaa akkasumas manneen barnootaa gad aanaa irraa mana hidhaa mootummaa wayyaaneetti ukkaamsamanii jiran.Kanneen lubuun ajjeefamanis danuu dha.Barattootni oromoo miliyoonaan lakkaaaman dhaabbiilee barnootaa keessatti baratan garbummaa bara baraa kana jalaa bahuuf ayyaana guyyaa WBO irratti marii tahuu akka qabu ibsanii jiran.

Mootummaan Wayyaanee yeroodhaa gara yerootti ilmaan oromoo qeee irraa buqqisaa,qabeenya saamaa kan as gahe yoommuu tahu kana guutummaan dhaabuuf yeroodhaa gara yerootti harka wal qabachuun hojjechuun dirqii dha.Mootummaan wayyaanee barattoota yuunivarsiitii yeroodhaa gara yerootti sababa oromummaa duwwaan kan ariiaa jiru hubachiisuun diddaa sabawwan cunqurfamoo dargaggootni Sidaamaa taasisan cinaas akka dhaabbatan ibsanii jiran.Yuunivarsiitii Hawaasaatii barataan dhalata sidaamaa tahe Zoodee Kaachisoo jedhamu yeroodhaa gara yerootti ati barattoota ijaaraa jirta jechuun diinaan qoratamaa jiraachuu fi ilmaan oromoo waliinis hidhata qabda baasi jechuun rakkifamaa jiraachuu ibsanii jiran.Mootummaan wayyaanee diddaa naannoo kanatti jabaate dura dhaabbachuuf ilmaan oromoo fi Sidaamaa 40 tahan mana hidhaatti ukkaamsuun ishees ni yaadatama.

Barsiisotni Godina Horroo Guduruu aanaa Jaardagaa Jaartee maadheen of ijaaruun dhimma QBOf gumaatan!


Muddee 31,2012

OromiaALutaContinua2011FDGBarsiisotni Godina Horroo Guduruu aanaa Jaardagaa Jaartee mana barumsaa Aliboo sadarkaa 1ffaa,2ffaa fi mana barumsaa Akkayyuu keessaa walitti dhufuun dhimma QBO irratti marii jabaa gaggeessuun QBOf gumaatan.Mootummaan Wayyaanee yeroodhaa gara yerootti ilmaan Oromoo haala jibbisiisaa fi cunqursaa addaan rakkisaa kan jiru dura dhaabbachuuf dirqamni nu eeggatu guddaadha jechuun barsiisotni 15 walitti dhufuun dhimma kana irratti marii jabaa erga gaggeessanii booda Maadhee MAADHEE LAGA ALIBOO LAKK 2,3 fi 4 jalatti wal ijaaranii jiran.Mootummaan wayyaanee miindaa hojjettootaa keessumaa kan barsiisotaa yeroodhaan kennuu kan dhorkate dhiibbaa addaa fi tuffii nurraa qabu jechuun barsiisotni kuneen tokko tokkoon isaanii qarshii 50 walitti buusuun qarshii 750 dhimma QBOf walitti wabatanii jiran.Mootummaan wayyaanee kaabinota duwwaa irra harka qabaa jiraachuun bittaa umrii isaa dheeressuu akka tahes hubachiisanii jiran.Barsiisotni miseensota DH.D.U.O tahanis gamtaan QBO gaggeessuuf marii barsiisotaa keessatti argamanii jiran.Barsiistni maadheen of ijaaranis maadhee naannoo kanatti ijaaraman maadhee Ulaa Soogiddaa,Pilaattee fi Dirre Bilisummaa waliin walitti dhufuun hojjechuuf qophii barbaachisaa akka xumuran ibsachuun ibsa ejjennoo armaan gadii baafatanii jiran

1. Barsiisota duwwaa osoo hin tahiin hojjettootaa fi barattoota sagantaa hojii qabameen ni ijaarra

2. Miseensota DH.D.U.O nu waliin tahan galatoomfachaa kanneen hubachiisuun gara QBOtti ni daballa

3. Dhiibbaa mootummaan wayyaanee ilmaan oromoo irraan gahu ni mormina

4. Dhimma COC Oromiyaa keessatti duwwaa ija banate ni mormina

5. Hojii dhabdummaa,Qaalainsa jireenyaa fi saaminsa qabeenya Oromiyaa akka dhaabbatu yoomuu ni qabsoofna

6. Godina Horroo Guduruun alatti gaaffiin mirgaa Oromiyaa guutuu irratti akka finiinu wareegma kamuu ni baafna

7. Ilmaan oromoo 2006 balleessaa tokko malee Guduruu keessatti waraana mootummaa wayyaaneen dhuman bara baraan yaadachaa gumaa isaanii ni baafna

8. Bilisummaa biyya keenyaa olola diinaa injifachuun ni mirkansina

Kan jedhu ejjetnoo fudhatanii akka jiran gabaasi addeessa.

Gadaan Gadaa Bilisummaati!!

Godina Wallagga lixaa aanaa Ayiraa keessatti dargaggootni qorannoo Wayyaaneen rakkaman.Uummatni walgahii wayyaanee lagate


Muddee 30,2012

Godina Wallaga lixaa aanaa Ayiraa keessatti diddaa mootummaa wayyaanee irratti jabaachaa dhufeen mootummaa wayyaanee waraana bobbaasuun dargaggoota oromoo dararuu itti fufe.Mootummaan wayyaanee dargaggoota oromoo naannoo kanaa yeroodhaa gara yerootti isin miseensa ABOti jechuun hidhaa kan jiru yoommuu tahu yeroo ammaa daran hammeessuun qorannoo fi hidhaan rakkisaa jira.Dargaggootni oromoo

1. Barakat Efreem

2. Taarikuu Abarraa

Jedhaman hojii dhabdummaan rakkachuu irra darbanii mootummaan wayyaanee isin miseensa ABOti jechuun yeroodhaa gara yerootti rakkisaa jira.Mootummaan wayyaanee diddaa uummata irraa itti jabaachaa dhufeef walgahii ololaan uummata afaanfaajjessuuf kan karoorfates uummatni walgahii isaa lagachuun diddaa jabaa muisaa jira.

Haaluma walfakkaatuun mootummaan wayyaanee Godina Qeellam wallaggaa keessatti ilmaan oromoo isin waaraana ABO deeggartu jechuun rakkisaa jira.Mootummaan garboomfataa abbaa irree wayyaanee diddaa uummataa dura dhaabbachuuf yeroo mara hidhaa fi ukkaamsaan akkasumas doorsisaan kan itti jiru qeerroon yoomuu harka akka hin laanne addeessee jira.

Call for Protest of all Oromos in and around Washington D.C. against the Ethiopian Regime



Jointly Organized by the Oromo Studies Association (OSA), the Oromo Community Organization (OCO) of Washington D.C. area, and Oromo Youth Self-help Association (OYSA)

The government of Ethiopia has continued its widespread harassment, arrest, killing, kidnapping and disappearance, accusing, convicting and sentencing to life and long term prison of Oromo nationals under fabricated charges.  It is using the infamous   newly adopted so called “Anti-Terrorism Proclamation”. To cite few of the most recent examples:

1.       On November 1, 2012, two well respected Oromo opposition leaders, Mr. Bekele Gerba and Mr. Olbana Lellisa, and seven other Oromo nationals are convicted under the charge of “working underground to secede Oromia from the federal government” and other bogus “terrorism” charges after keeping them in prison for more than one year in jail.

2.      On September 30, 2012, more than 200 Oromo nationals, mostly the youth, have been rounded up and arrested when they were peacefully celebrating the annual Irreechaa festival at Lake Arsadi, Bushoftu, Eastern Shoa zone. Two months after their arrest, they are still held without any change.

3.      On April 6, 2012, at least four Oromo Muslims: Musa Gabi, Kemal Irena, Aliyi Wako, and Shafi Jano  were gunned down in the town of Asasa, Oromia regional state, when the government forces fired live ammunition on unarmed civilians coming out of the local mosque.

4.      Harassment of our  Muslim community has continued unabated:

Ø  More than 30 Muslim leaders are put in Maikelawi Prison and facing the same fabricated “terrorism” charges,

Ø  Thousands of Muslims, mainly Oromos, have been beaten and rounded up and incarcerated merely for demanding their religion freedom enshrined by the Ethiopian Constitution.

Ø  On October 21, 2012, at least three Muslims; Said Abdala, Abdu Oda, and Hussein, were murdered by the Federal Police in Gerba town, Wollo. Several others were beaten and wounded and many others arrested.

These are few of the recent examples of the rampant human right violations of the Ethiopian regime perpetrated on the Oromo and other oppressed nations and nationalities demanding their lawful rights. Overall, it is estimated that more than 20, 000 Oromo nationals languish in prison at any given moment over the last 20 or so years of the EPRDF rule.

To bring these abuses to the attention of the US public and decision makers, the Oromo Studies Association (OSA), the Oromo Community Organization (OCO) of Washington D.C. area, and the Oromo Youth Self-help Association have jointly organized a protest in Washington D.C. We call all Oromo nationals and Oromo friends living in and around Washington D.C. to participate in this peaceful demonstration. Let’s get together, stand in unison and speak on behalf of those whose voices have been unjustly silenced.

Protest Date:     Friday, January 25, 2013

Protest Time:    8:30 AM – 12:00 noon

Protest Place:   US State Department, 2201 C Street Northwest, Washington,  

                               D.C. 20520

Contact:             Oromo Community Organization, Washington D.C.:

                              Tel.  202 234 1151

                              Oromo Youth Self-help Association, Washington D.C.:

                              Tel.  202 705 6585

Call for Protest of all Oromos in and around Washington D.C..docx

Seife Nebelbal Radio Program First Year Anniversary



(December 28, http://www.Ayyaantuu.comSeife Nebelbal Radio Program celebrates its first year anniversary. It has broadcast about 52 qualified interviews. The team believes all of those interviews were focusing on issues of the time and all were very beneficial to the struggle of the Oromo people.

The radio program has made interviews with key people to the Oromo struggle both inside and outside of Oromia. The interviews with Qerro Oromia were remarkable. We believe that we have introduced the youth movements with the Oromo people. The youth in Oromia are raising legitimate issues and they are advancing the freedom of struggle to the next level. During this year, the Radio Program team noticed that the struggle of Qerro Oromia is gaining momentum and the growth is very dramatic.  We managed to interview Qerro virtually from all corners of Oromia. We have also observed that the determination of Qerro for the liberation of Oromia is enormous and unshakeable.  The team will continue giving coverage to youth movements in the coming year.

Besides interviewing Qerro inside Oromia, Seife Nebelbal Radio Program also tried to verify and counter checked the accuracy of most of the military activities carried out by the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA). The team is very glad for proving the activities of OLA and all were accurate to the point and quite encouraging. We have also closely followed the desperate moves and activities of the Woyane regime to counter the attacks from OLA. Despite the regime’s desperate moves, we have first hand and reliable information that OLA is embraced by the whole Oromo nation more than ever.

We also interviewed leaders from other nations and nationalities including Sidama, Ogaden, and others. The team also believes that those interviews were very productive and the cooperation between the Oromo and other nations and nationalities, that are our natural allies, is very desirable and useful for our struggle.

Some people like to follow than to lead and there were a number of internet based radio programs that flourished after Seife Nebelbal Radio Program has launched its first program. While we appreciate these efforts, we still demand working together as a team than fragmentation.  Seife Nebelbal Radio Program wants to take an initiative to cooperate and work with other Oromo radio programs to create a mega Oromo media. Our team believes that working together in unison is the only force that can take our struggle to the next stage. We have seen during the past twenty years that division and fragmentation has produced nothing. It is just like jumping on trampoline. It is the right time that all of our media outlets work together as a team. Let us get out of our comfort zones and start working together as a team.  The benefit will be enormous for all of us. We will also share the burden and minimize redundancy. We think that Margaret Wheatley ‘s observation is worth quoting to support our quest for cooperation: “Everything in the universe only exists because it is in relationship to everything else. We have to stop pretending we are individuals that can go it alone.” Margaret Wheatley. All of us cannot make it alone.

The radio program team members, most of the time, have paid for telephone expenses from their personal pockets. As you all know, calling Oromia is not that cheap. There are also individuals who have contributed to the strength of this radio program.  The team extends its heartfelt appreciation for their support and their continued support will take us further to bring you more reliable and accurate information from inside Oromia. Let us all join hands and work together for the common good. The Tigreans, by number, are very few as compared to the Oromo. However, they got organized and worked together and managed to control the whole country. The only secret they had is organizational skill and working together as a team. Now, while they have started cracking, we are getting united and organized. We must build on this momentum and dismantle the cold truth of minority dictatorship.

Seife Nebelbal Radio Program also broadcast in Afan Oromo for some time. However, due to some technical issues and the flourishing of other radio programs in Afan Oromo, we stopped it. We appreciate the two Oromo individuals who have volunteered and spent their precious time to work with us. Their historical contribution to the Oromo people’s struggle deserves appreciation.

United we stand divided we fall!

Unity makes strength!!

Let us make it in 2013!!!

Happy New Year!!

Ayyaantuu  oromia@ayyaantuu.com