2 thoughts on “Land Grabbing in Oromia, New Documentary Video

  1. NO other solution, except coming together of the Oromo nationalists under Odaa, the symbol of bilisummaa and walabummaa in order to cooperate and coordinate our liberation move!

    ———-Odaa is The Symbol of Bilisummaa Oromo and Walabummaa Oromia———-

    It was/is really good to look at the Oromo liberation movement from different perspectives using metaphors and symbols. Here, I want to use Odaa as an additional symbol for bilisummaa and walabummaa, so that we can comprehend more about our common ground (bilissummaa) and about the issues, on which we do differ and have reconcilable conflict (types of walabummaa). The hitherto used metaphors are:

    1) Train journey from Djibouti (garbummaa) to Finfinne (bilisummaa) as described in http://gadaa.com/oduu/688/2009/06/24/opinion-let-us-foster-tokummaa-for-bilisummaa/ .

    2) Graphic presentation of the political spectrum in the empire as shown in http://gadaa.com/oduu/2420/2010/02/16/ethiopia-ignore-unitarists-fight-hegemonists-but-elect-unionists-opinion/ .

    3) Electric circuits as a way of looking at the Kaayyoo Oromo and the sub-kayyoo’s as depicted in http://gadaa.com/oduu/2523/2010/02/23/oromo-to-unlock-the-gridlock-take-independence-as-the-core-kaayyoo-analysis/ .

    4) A generation of the liberation movement being in political evolution http://gadaa.com/oduu/10538/2011/08/13/the-third-generation-olf-pragmatic-inclusive-and-smart-2/ .

    5) A fighter-Jet and a well developed Butterfly as shown in http://gadaa.com/oduu/11583/2011/11/12/oromia-ethiopia-the-oromo-liberation-movement-is-like-a-fighter-jet-shooting-from-its-three-parts/ .

    Now let me use Odaa as a metaphor to make the relationship between bilisummaa Oromo and walabummaa Oromia clear! Odaa is really a very good symbol for bilisummaa Oromo and walabummaa Oromia. The stem of Odaa is the representation for bilisummaa and the seven main branches of it are the representation for the seven positions, which are now entertained in Oromo community regarding walabummaa:

    – at the left end of Odaa is the branch representing the position of the nationalists, who strive to achieve an independent republic of Oromia seemingly disregarding the possible regional union with the neighbouring nations, specially with the nations, who are now living in Ethiopia.

    – next to this left end is the position of those who are open for both the above mentioned position and the following middle left position, as long as the Oromo people will decide per referendum.

    – the middle left position belongs to those who advocate a nationally independent Oromia within a regional union of free nations in the Horn of Africa (union with nations living around Oromia) in a form of a ‘union of independent nations’, something like confederation.

    – on the top of Odaa at the center is the position of those who are open for all the varities in the left and right, as far as the determiners in this choice are the Oromo public. These nationalists believe that neither the smaller ‘independent Core Oromia’ nor the greater ‘integrative Cush Oromia’ is disadvantageous as long as bilisummaa of the Oromo people will be realized and further respected.

    – the middle right position is that of those who want to have an integrative Oromia in a form of an autonomous Oromian state within Ethiopian federation; i.e the ‘union of autonomous nations’.

    – near the right end is the position of those who do say “Oromian national autonomy within Ethiopian federation is not bad, but we don’t need to die for it”; these nationals are considering that even Gondar and other northern parts of the empire are parts of Oromia; accordingly, they want to realize either the above mentioned middle right position or the following right end position.

    – at the right end of Odaa is the position of those who try to achieve an integrative Cush Oromia being the same to the whole Ethiopia, without necessarily having an autonomous Core Oromia within Ethiopia; simply put this goal is an integrative republic of Oromia, which is geographically greater.

    As described here, the stem of Odaa (bilisummaa) is the common line of life for all the seven branches (types of walabummaa); it is the common ground for all Oromo antionalists. Such clarification of the Oromo liberation movement with different metaphors and symbols helps our confused friends and our confusing foes to make up their mind and it help them to let us fight in unison against the currently tormenting fascist and racist Gujile in Finfinne palace!

  2. Namoota kana fuula isaanii agarsiisuun keessan gaarii miti. Diinni kana arguun hin oolu, san booda nageenyi Oromoota kana bala irra bu’a. Dafaati kaasa isiniiin jedha

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