Qeerroon Maal Jedha?

Dhalooti Oromoo guyyaa mirgi abbaa biyyumaa isaanii irraa mulqamee eegalee, diddaa inni yeroo adda addaan taasisu jabaataa deemuun isaa seenaan nu yaadachiisa. Qabsoo bilisummaaf godhamu kana keessatti hirmaannaan barattoota Oromoo bara 1970 eegale, gara humana jabaatti jijjiramuun Jaarmiyaa siayaasaa guddaa uummata Oromoo biratti kabajamaafi jaalatamaa ABO gad dhaabuun qabsoo hidhannoo finiinsuutti seene. Jaarmiyaan siyaasaa kun dhibbaan dhibbatti milkaahuu baatus bu’aalee gurguddaa ijaan argamanis tahe kan hin argamne saba isaaf gumaachee jira. San keesssa tokko dhaloota amma jiru, kan eenyummaa isaa irratti dammaqe, an diinaaf hin bitamu jedhu; Dhaloota fincilaa dhalchee dabre.

Anis waan haaraa barreessuuf odoo hin taane, akka barataa Oromoo tokkootti shoorri barattonni Oromoo Fincila diddaa gabrummaa bara 2000 irraa eegalee keessatti taphatan wal yaadachiisuun dirqama taatee natti mul’atte jennaan qalama koo ol qabe. Fincila diddaa gabrummaa barattoonni Oromoo taasisan san keessatti qooda fudhadhee dabruun koo akka an obboleeyyan Oromoo waliin barnootaaf manaa bane, warreen Oromummaaf jecha wareegaman, kan qaamni irraa hir’ate kan hidhaatti dabramee fi kan bakka isaan jiran hin beekamnetu sammuu keessaa na belbelee boqonnaa na dhorke.

Sochii gootonni barattoonni Oromoo qabsoo bilisummaa saba isaaniif taasisan bara 2000 irraa eegalee golee Oromiyaa mara keessatti akka malee finiinuun diina meeshaa waraanaa hidhate waliin hudhee wal qabe. Kana keessatti guyyaa Fincilla diddaa gabrummaa Saadasa 09/2005 Uummata Oromoof waamicha godhame keessatti hirmaannaan baratoota Oromoo akkam ture ? Wareegamuufi qaamaa hir’achuu gootota baratoota Oromoo meeqan keenyatu quba qaba? Meeqan keenyatu yaadata?

Fincila diddaa gabrummaa barattoonni Oromoo bara 2005 taasisan kan adda isa taasisu, barattooni Oromoo diina meeshaa hidhatee jiru waliin harka qullaa soda tokko malee hudhanii wal qabuu isaaniiti. Fincilli kun Oromiyaa mara kan hammate yoo tahu, wal quunnamtiifi tokkommaa barataan Oromoo bakka cufatti qabu kan diina rifachiise ture. Diinnis akka malee rifachuun Waraana harkaa qabu, Oromiyaa keessatti facaasuun gootota barattoota Oromoo sodaachisuuf yaale. Dargaggoon Oromoo kaabaaf kibbaa, bahaaf dhihaa waliif dirmachuun fincila finiinse.

Gaaffiilee barattooni Oromoo dheeheessa turan keessaa inni gurguddaan, Mirgi abbaa biyyummaa Oromoo haa kabajamu, Mirgi Hiree ofii Ofiin murteeffachuu Uummata Oromoo haa mirkanaahu, Hidhamtoonni siyaasaa Oromummaan yakkaman gad haa lakkifaman, ABOn nu haa bulchu, fi kan biro ture. Gaaffii barattootaa kanaaf deebii diinni qopheesse, gara laafina tokko malee baratoota harkaa qullaa jiran irratti Rasaasa gad roobsuu ture. Kanaafis Ragaa kan tahu, wareegamuu baratoota Oromoo sadarkaa 2ffaa Amboo, barataa Jagamaa Badhaaneefi Kabbadaa Badhaasaa ti. Barattooni kun lameen hiriira nagayaa guyyaa san gudhamaa jiru irraa qooda fudhachaa odoo jiranii tarkaanfiin gara jabinaa battalumatti irratti fudhatame. Tarkaanfiin diinni guyyaa san fudhate sochii Oromiyaa fincilaa keessatti eegale sodaachisuuf haata’u iyyuu malee, gootonni barattoota Oromoo caalatti bakka maraa fincila finiinsuun Mootummaa biyyatti rifaasisuun Magaalaafi baadiyyaa Oromiyaa gara dirree lolaatti jijjiire.

Fincili diddaa gabrummaa kun babal’achuun, wareegamuun barattoota Oromoo bakka adda addaatti daddabalaa deeme. Kaan mana hidhaatti dabree reebicha gara jabinaa irratti gaggeessuun, barataa waggaa 4ffaa Yuuniversitii Finfinnee kan tahe barataa Gaaddisaa Hirphasaa du’aaf akka inni saaxilamu godhan. Achuma barataa moraa Yuuniversitii Finfinnee bartataa Alamaayyo Garbaa uumamaan qaama hir’uu ta’e mana hidhaa keessa baduuf jedhe jechuun rasaasan tumanii ajjeessan. Diddaa barattooni eegalan kun Oromiyaan ala baratoota barnoota Olaanaa baarachaa jiran birattis deggersa guddaan itti fufe. Baarataan Oromoo Impaayera biyyatti keessatti tarkaanfiin adda addaa akka fudhatamuuf wal quunnamtiin baratoota Oromoo caalaatti akka jabaatu taasise. Addunyaa birattis dhageettii guddaa argate.Bakkootii adda addaattis Alabaan ABO guyyaa murtaahef gad dhaabbuun akka balali’u gochuu irra dabree Qabsoo bilisummaaf godhamu dhugaa ta’uu isaa mul’ise. Ilmi Oromoo barnootaaf manaa bahe reeffi isaa yeroo maatii issaf deebi’u, eenyutu rafee haa buluree? Kanatu baratoota baratoota Oromoo bakka jiran maraa wal faana hiriisuun tokkummaan gaaffii mirgaa akka kaasan taasise.

Wareegamuu, qaamaa hir’achuu, barnoota irraa adabamuu fi mana hidhaatti dabramuun barataa Oromoo yeroo sanii, meeqan keenyatu yaadata? Meeqan keenyatu immoo kaayyoo isaan irratti wareegaman san galmaan gahuuf bakka jirru maraa waan dandeenyuun dirqama lammummaa bahaa jirra? Moo gaaffii barattonni Oromoo gaafataa turan sun deebii argattee jirti?

Dhugaa dha, bara 2008 irraa eegalee haalli mooraa qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti dhalate sochii siyaasaa haa laaffisu malee waan har’aa taa’aa jiru san duubatti dhiifannee , meeqan keenyatu daandii gootonni Oromoo bilisummaa saba isaaniif eegalan san galmaan gahuuf dalaguutti jira.? Gaaffiin kun kan dargaggoo Oromoo ilaallattu taati. Yaa ilmaan biyyaa, nuti dhallotni har’a waan warri nu afoo turan tolchan ykn balleessan komachuun yeroo keenya gubaa jiraanna yoo tahe, dhalootni nutti aanee jiru immoo waahee keenya maal dubbata laata? Of gaafadhaa. Waa maraafuu Torbeen fuuldura keenya jirtu kun waqtii/ waktii baratoota Oromoo fincila diddaa gabrummaa irratti wareegaman itti yaadannu waan taheef waliin haa yaadannun jedha.

Seenaa Qabsoo Barattoota Oromoo: //www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHG90sf_kAw&feature=player_embedded]

Bakka jirru maraa waan bilisummaa saba keenyaaf ta’u irratti haa dalagnu!!

Seenaan haaraa wareegama Qeerroottin ni dalagama!

2 thoughts on “Qeerroon Maal Jedha?

  1. Nothing can save the political acrobatist Meles Zenawi, from the imminent and the upcoming REVOLUTION; that means the time is for a revolution. But we, the Oromo nationalists, do ask: where are the other students, while the Oromo students are revolting? Why are the Amhara students and the students from the other opressed nations still sleeping? Are they still the victims of Woyane’s divide and rule method? We actually must be able to say together: no more antagonizing the all-inclusive freedom fighters in favour of the Woyane fascist forces. It is clear that the Woyane fascists and racists survived by dividing, fragmentizing and polarizing both the Amhara integrationist camp and the Oromo independenist camp among themselves and between each other.

    But now the question is: how long will both the Ethiopian nationalists’ camp of the Amhara and the Ethnic nationalists’ bloc of the Oromo allow the Woyane to play with them and how long do they give a chance for this mafia group to beat them turn by turn? Are they less intelligent than the Woyane not to outsmart this fascist and racist regime? Time will show us for how long Woyane will play the game of pure political acrobat, presenting itself (camouflaging) as either the Oromo independenist or as the only Ethiopian unionist (killil-federalist) or as the Amhara integrationist just to sow a discord among the opposition and make these different parts of the opposition to fight each other; actually the ONLY true motive of Woyane is to keep the Tigrean hegemony at any cost. On the day that the Oromo nationalists start to make also the issue of an integrated Ethiopia as their own REGIONAL issue, of course beside an independent Oromia as the NATIONAL issue, and on the day the Amhara nationals start to accept and respect Oromia’s right to exist, at least within an integrated Ethiopia, this day will be the day of a real demise for the fascist and racist Woyane regime.

    Otherwise, we have to be able to differentiate Woyane political acrobatists from the genuine independenist Oromo, the unionist (federalist) South and the integrationist Amhara. To know this difference, what matters is not the position of their guts, but more the direction of their guns. Woyane cadres do direct their guns (verbal bullets) on pro-integration Amhara nationals and on pro-independence Oromo nationalists, whereas the genuine opposition from these two camps nowadays consequently and conciously try to direct their guns ONLY on the currently tormenting enemy (the Woyane). Woyane cadres shoot continously at these genuine Amhara and Oromo groups, whereas the genuine pro-independence Oromo and the genuine pro-integration Amhara nationals do try to tolerate all the opposition political groups with their different tactics and strategies in struggling for FREEDOM from Woyane’s fascism. So we just need to check the direction of their guns in order to differenitate the camouflaged Woyane cadres talking about an ‘independent Oromia’ and an ‘integrated Ethiopia’ from both the genuine opposition blocs advocating these two same agenda respectively.

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